Indoor plants for all seasons
Indoor plants for all seasons
6 best house plants
Improve your interiors, boost your wellbeing and purify your air by bringing the outside in
You can enjoy great colours, gorgeous scents, and even air-purification for longer by surrounding yourself with plants.
- Chinese Evergreen
The pale green varieties of Chinese evergreen are best-known, but this houseplant is also available with a silver, yellow or red glow. With all those various patterns it’s perfectly suited to people who do not readily find busy to be ‘too busy’, but enjoy it instead. It fits with the fashionable style trend packed with prints and patterns where you can’t have too much stimulation. In the wild, Chinese evergreen grows under trees, which is why this houseplant also prefers partial or full shade in the home.
Tip: Do give it a bit of daylight – it won’t survive on artificial light alone. Irregular watering is not a problem. The soil can be slightly damp, but don’t leave it standing in water. The soil can even dry out a bit in the winter.
- Hanging Plants
Bringing Hanging Plants into the home is a great way to create an eye-catching element at heights where you would not usually expect to see greenery. The shape of the plants is often almost extra-terrestrial and can bring a unique and quirky look to your living room. There are various examples of hanging plants including Aeschynanthus, Tillandsia usneoides and the popular Ceropegia wood which come in all kinds of shapes and sizes.
Tip: Hanging Plants are incredibly easy to take care of. Watering once a week is sufficient in the winter, twice a week in the summer. Generally it’s better to give slightly too little water than too much.
- Cactuses
The varying shapes and sizes of cactuses fit well with the current style trend of breaking out of traditional boundaries, for example bringing something typically seen outdoors into the home. Cactuses are best displayed in smooth and functional materials such as wood, injection-moulded plastic with a smooth surface, and ceramics with a pattern or relief. The unusual shapes of cactuses partly link up with today’s popular geometric monochrome patterns, but at the same time provide a counterbalance with their calm presence.
Tip: Virtually all cactus species prefer to be in the light, and would rather have too little water than too much. Cactuses have a large root system with which they store water in their roots, leaves and stems which allows them to control their own feeding. Watering once a month is better than a drop every week. Add some cactus food in the summer months; it’s best for the plant to rest in the winter. You should then give it less water, or even none at all: the cactus will then produce flowers (seeds) to survive.
- Indoor Trees (Polyscias)
Polyscias enjoys the shade, where it develops characteristic branches dressed in beautiful leaves from top to bottom. The foliage can be green, yellow or white, depending on the variety. Because Polyscias grow straight upwards, the shape remains fairly compact, so that this indoor tree is also suitable for smaller rooms. Because the trunk is partly concealed behind the leaves, this indoor tree has a real forest look about it.
Tip: Polyscias, like all indoor trees, is incredibly easy to look after. As a general rule, try to not let the soil dry out as it is better to water more frequently than to give the tree a large amount of water.
- Peperomia
Peperomia is an air purifying plant and is sure to bring a breath of fresh air into your living space. The dense structure of the Peperomia also absorbs sound so might help spare your neighbours when you have friends over listening to music. Handmade organic materials such as ceramics, cotton, linen and glass go well with the Peperomia if you are trying to bring some life to your coffee table.
Tip: The plant enjoys a light spot but not in direct sunlight, although it can tolerate the light. For best results do not allow the soil to dry out completely, and do not pour water directly onto the leaves.
- Zamioculcas
Zamioculcas is great at creating a sense of space. For example if you place it on a bench or a retro stool it can maximise the sense of space around it and make a room feel larger. Materials that work well with this plant are smooth and functional, such as metal, plastic and varnished wood. The plant grows wild in countries such as Kenya, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Malawi, and is one of nature’s gems in Zanzibar. This means that even if you are living in a flat in the city, you can still bring a sense of nature to your living space.
Tip: Another great thing about the Zamioculcas is that it is almost impossible to kill. They can be placed in either a light or dark spot, and can cope with the fact that you forget to water it once in a while. The plant stores nutrients and water in the stems and the subterranean bulb, and can subsist on these reserves for a few weeks.
How to take care of your plant in 7 ways
House plants enhance the aesthetic appeal of any space and add distinguished colours and warmth to a house. Decorating home with beautiful plants is common among homeowners. Aside from the natural beauty, indoor plants also offer other benefits such as improving quality of air and improving your physical and mental health.
However, house plants can quickly wither if you don’t care for them the right way. So, here are some useful tips to ensure you don’t lose your indoor plants:
- Consistent Water Supply
Water is essential to keep plants fresh. However, overwatering them can also ruin them in no time. So, be careful while watering indoor plants. Check the top of soil and water it if the soil feels dry. Always use water that is at room temperature. Also, make sure the plant pot can drain excess water easily.
- Sufficient Light
Indoor plants don’t need much of sunlight; however, keeping them in dark throughout the day may kill them. So, it’s best to keep indoor plants near a window where they can absorb adequate sunlight. Plants that need the abundance of direct sunlight should be kept near a south-facing window.
On average, flowering plants need 12-16 hours of indirect sunlight, whereas foliage plants thrive in 14-16 hours of light.
- Humidity Level
Most indoor plants, including tropical plants, need high humidity. The more the moisture in air, the healthier your plants. Keep them in areas where humidity is around 80%. You can buy a humidifier to maintain optimal humidity level. However, if you want to adopt a more cost-effective solution, you can keep a tray filled with pebbles and water near the plant. Water will evaporate and increase moisture in air.
- Temperature Changes
Indoor plants take some time in adapting to changes. If you constantly move them around, they may not be able to survive for long. Try not to move them too often and maintain optimal temperature for plants’ health.
- Trimming
You need to regularly trim and prune plants. However, every plant has varying requirements. Make sure you prune branches, or else they may spread in your entire living room. Also, trimming plant leaves keeps them in shape, protects them from diseases, and aids in the growth.
- Look Out for Pests
Pests and insects are the biggest enemies of plants. Keep an eye on your indoor plants. Regularly check plant leaves and soil for bugs. Washing leaves with a spray of water can get rid of insects, but you should use a spray of insecticidal soap if the problem prevails.
- Get Rid of Dirt
Dust in the air can accumulate on plant leaves. Dirt and debris block sunlight and water and thereby, damage your plants. It’s best to wash plant leaves or clean them with a wet towel. Be gentle so as to avoid ruining the leaves.